
Web Articles by Ai-Hou Wang, MD, PhD.



運動立體視 (Motion Stereopsis)

雙眼運動深度覺 (Binocular Depth-from-Motion, BDFM)


製作隨機點立體圖 逐步解析

Creating Random-dot Stereogram (RDS) - Step-by-Step


多焦網膜電圖/視誘發電位 最長序列的應用

Multifocal ERG/VEP M-sequence (Maximal sequence)



Streak Retinoscopy – Optics, Computer simulation, Observations and Findings


運動覺鼻、顳側不對稱性 (Naso-temporal asymmetry of Motion Perception)

反轉柵紋測試 (Reversing Grating Test)


穩態/暫態 視誘發電位 Steady-state vs. Transient VEP (Visual Evoked Potential)


掃掠視誘發電位 Sweep VEP (Visual Evoked Potential)


心理物理學(psychophysics)一個深度覺的認知限制(constraint of depth perception)永遠感覺照明是由上方來的


隨機點相關圖 (Random-dot Correlogram)

空間域 隨機點相關圖 (Spatial Random-dot Correlogram)

時間域 隨機點相關圖 (Temporal Random-dot Correlogram)


隨機點動畫圖 (Random-dot KinematogramRDK)



Russian Spiral (English version)


Pulfrich 單篇 ("運動立體視" 文末片段是一樣的)

Pulfrich pendulum - Pulfrich effect


雙眼同視3D立體螢幕 - 時間分呈3D立體螢幕的問題 - Pulfrich擺為例

Flaw of time-separation dichoptic presentation – simulated Pulfrich pendulum as an example


BDFM (Binocular Depth-from-Motion)

(Right eye - Blue lens, Left eye -Red lens)




Web Version of NTU300 Random-dot Stereogram (Screening use)


雙眼視測試 – 三個程式合在一起

Binocularity test – 3 tests combined in a single computer program



Calibration of the Mirrors of Stereoscope with ‘British Flag’, for both Straight eyes and Strabismic Patients


手術後屈光改變的計算 – Excel程式

Surgically Induced Refractive Change – Excel Programs


運動覺鼻顳側不對稱性 視動眼震 反轉柵紋 視誘發電位 眼電圖

Naso-Temporal asymmetry of OKN RG VEP EOG


臨床雙眼視檢查 – Windows版本三合一

Binocular Tests for clinical use – 3 in one Windows version



Anaglyph Test – A Test for the compatibility of the red/blue colors of the screen and the glasses


眼科學綜覽 2 3 網膜鏡檢影法

Ophthalmology Overview  Book 2 Chpter 3  Retinoscopy


眼科學綜覽 2 4 攝影驗光法

Ophthalmology Overview  Book 2 Chpter 4  Photorefraction


眼科學綜覽 2 5 立體感檢查

Ophthalmology Overview  Book 2 Chpter 5  Stereopsis Examination


眼科學綜覽 6 4 雙眼視覺

Ophthalmology Overview  Book 6 Chpter 4  Binocular Vision   


眼科學綜覽 8 9 1 驗光配鏡的訣竅與臨床經驗

Ophthalmology Overview  Book 8 Chpter 9 Section 1  Clinical Pearls for Glasses Fitting



Indirect opthalmoscopy with direct ophthalmoscope as light source



Sunrise Azimuth around the Year, Solar Orbit, Polar Day and Polar Night


斜視 弱視 軼事漫談 001 – 上直肌後徙

Superior rectus muscle (SR) recession


斜視 弱視 軼事漫談 002 – 斜肌亢進與不足

Oblique Muscle ‘Overaction’ and ‘Underaction’



Oculomotor apraxia (OMA)



Measuring Interpupillary Distance (IPD) in Difficult Children



Badal Principle of Lensometer


自製Hess chart (or Lancaster chart) / Hess chart vs. Lancaster chart


設計心理物理學實驗 – 強迫選擇和階梯式趨近閾值

Designing Psychophysical Experiment – Forced choice and Staircase approach



Fusion, Binocular suppression and Abnormal retinal correspondence of Intermittent Exotropia


Monofixation syndrome / Fixation Disparity / Microtropia

Panum’s area / Suppression scotoma



Optics of Smart Multifocal Reading Glasses



Practice Retinoscopy



To enhance or inverse peripheral power of spherical lens to increase central/peripheral aberration to create multifocal/extended-focal lens (English)



Smart Varifocal Reading Glasses (English)


美式咖啡 義式咖啡 膠囊咖啡


雙眼共軛運動 雙眼輻輳運動

Version and Vergence